Profitable Pastures is a webinar series that focuses on pasture management best management practices. The 2025 webinar series is scheduled for March 4th, 5th, and 6th. Each webinar is held at 7:30pm EST. Registration is required but there is no cost. The link for the webinar is sent out a day or two before the event.
Sponsorship opportunities available! To sponsor this event, please complete this form and return it to Rebecca at admin@ontarioforagecouncil.com.
Thank you to our conference sponsors!
2025 Agenda & speakers
March 4, 2025 – 7:30pm EST

Grazing Networking Group: What It Is & How It Benefits Our Operation by Jim Whitley
In the spring of 2023 OMAFA, along with the University of Guelph, gathered a group of 18 producers from the beef, sheep, and dairy sectors to support a three to four year research project related to measuring grass growth in Ontario. The producers use a Rising Plate Meter to capture grass growth and record livestock movements. This presentation will explain how the group interact/support one another, some initial findings, as well as the benefits for the research team and our farm.
About Jim Whitley
Jim Whitley and his wife Myrna operate a 50-head commercial Charolais cow-calf herd that is VBP+ certified in Simcoe County. Along with their son Zach, they background half of their calves and finish the remainder for the local freezer beef market. Jim is a VBP+ Auditor and has audited farms across Canada. Jim worked for Honda Canada Manufacturing for 30 years, with the last 10 years spent as Purchasing Quality Manager. Jim, along with his son Clay, design and build permanent and temporary fencing for local farmers. Jim is currently completing the CFGA Grazing Mentorship program.
March 5, 2025 – 7:30pm est

What Grass Wants by Dr. Eric Lyons With Dr. Marcus Talamani
Details coming soon.
About Dr. Eric Lyons
Dr. Eric Lyons is an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph. His area of research is turfgrass science and physiology. Much of his work on establishment, agronomy, persistence, and new technology can be applied to pastures as well as sports fields
About Dr. Marcus Talamini
Marcus V. Talamini Jr. is a PhD agronomist that began his professional life working with agricultural water management in France and in Brazil, Marcus then had a PhD in New Zealand working with water and nitrogen management in resilient grass pastures. After a period of consultancy in Southern Brazil working with cover crops, dual-purpose cereals and integrated crop-livestock systems, Marcus came to Canada where he is a PostDoctoral Scientist at Dr. Lyon’s team, working with sustainable grazing strategies for Ontarian conditions.
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March 6, 2025 – 7:30pm est

Special Considerations For Grazing Sheep & Dairy Cows by Christine O’Reilly
Many Canadian grazing recommendations were developed using beef cattle in the prairies. While we have adapted these the forage species and climate in Ontario, other livestock have different needs. Public enemy number one for grazing sheep are gastrointestinal parasites. Maintaining milk components can be difficult on a predominantly pasture diet for lactating cows. Although this talk will dive into specifics for sheep and dairy cows, farmers finishing stockers on grass or raising organic cattle will find some ideas to improve their production on pasture.
About Christine O’Reilly
Christine O’Reilly is the Forage and Grazing Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness. Her focus is on improving the productivity and profitability of forage crops. She sees a lot of opportunity for ruminant livestock farms to improve their margins through good grazing management. Christine joined the ministry in 2017 and is based out of the Lindsay office.
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If you missed Profitable Pastures 2024, we are happy to offer it, and many other presentations, on our YouTube channel! Subscribe to be notified when new content is added!
Topics covered in 2024:
- Getting Started on Rotational Grazing
- Predicting Cattle Performance from Grazed Pasture, and
- The Best Money Spent on the Ranch