Ontario Forage Network
The Ontario Forage Network is the online hub for forage, pasture and biomass crop production in the province. Here you can find information on seeding, growing, harvesting, storing, and marketing these crops. The network is a partnership between the Ontario Forage Council, the Ontario Hay & Forage Co-op, and the Ontario Biomass Producers Co-op.

Ontario Forage Council
The Ontario Forage Council is a non-profit organization devoted specifically to forages. It is comprised of producer associations, commercial companies and other agribusiness interests which share common goals— gathering and disseminating ideas and information, supporting research and development in forages and sponsoring consolidation of forage projects to provide a focus for the efforts of a multitude of personnel. The Ontario Forage Council is also the creator of the Ontario Hay Listings service for buying, selling, and trucking everything forage online.

Ontario Biomass Producers Co-Operative, Inc.
The Ontario Biomass Producers Co-Operative is a group of Ontario farmers exploring the sustainable production and marketing of biomass crops. We are currently exploring marketing opportunities, production of purpose grown biomass crops, harvesting of crop byproducts, transportation and storage issues, animal bedding (dairy, pet market, etc.), biomass as a substrate for mushroom farming, and quality mulch for landscaping and vegetable farming.

Ontario Hay and Forage Co-Operative, Inc.
The Ontario Hay and Forage Co-operative was formed to develop and serve overseas markets with high quality, purpose grown, double-compacted hay. The Co-operative’s aim is to increase returns for producers who are currently producing high quality hay, or want to add it to their crop rotations. Increasing forage acres in Ontario is equally important to the co-op members. Additional forage acreage results in increased carbon sequestration and overall improved soil health.

GoForages.ca is a website designed to aid Ontario’s hay and biomass growers and livestock producers. Its focus is on emerging technologies and on updating farmers on the latest results from production research in forage crops, pastures, and biomass crops and related decision support tools. For more general recommendations on production and best management practices of these crops refer to links listed on the website.