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Staying on top of the latest research and growing information will help your biomass operation succeed. As part of OBPC’s commitment to education and research, these resources have been compiled to help producers learn more about growing Switchgrass, Miscanthus, and biomass crops in general.
Switchgrass for Farming (Facebook Group)
Switchgrass for Habitat (Facebook Group)
Switchgrass gall midge, an emerging Ontario pest (Hallett et al., 2023)
A comprehensive guide to Switchgrass management (Samson et al.)
OMAFRA Publication 60: Field Crop Budgets (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2021)
Switchgrass row spacing and legume interseeding (2010)
Calendar of Activity of Miscanthus and Switchgrass
Fall harvesting Switchgrass experiences in Quebec
10 Key points in Switchgrass production
Switchgrass production in Ontario: A management guide (Samson, R., 2007)
Life cycle assessment of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass production in Ontario (Kalita, B., 2012)
Growing Switchgrass in Grey County (Eggiman, U., 2015)
Switchgrass vs. winter wheat (OBPC, 2015)
Development of improved Switchgrass selections in a northern environment (Delaquis et al.)
Breeding for improved Switchgrass in Eastern Canada (Delaquis et al., 2013)
Switchgrass in Quebec (Delaquis et al., 2012)
Growing Switchgrass in Ontario (Nott, D. and P., 2011)
Growing Switchgrass on marginal Grey County farmland (Eggiman, U., 2012)
Perennial Grasses Panel: Miscanthus, Switchgrass, Polycultures – Growing, Harvesting, Storage, Sustainability (Deen, B., 2011)
Willowlee Sod Farms Ltd. biomass project (Vanclief, K.)
Pretreatment, proper harvest time boost ethanol from Switchgrass (Wallheimer, B., 2011)
On-farm assessment of Switchgrass bedding (Moyle et al., 2016)
Primary mechanical modification to improve performance of Miscanthus as stand-alone growing substrates (Nguyen et al., 2022)
Integrity® Herbicide label expanded via Minor Use Program for control of weeds on Miscanthus in Canada (J. Chaput, 2020)
Calendar of Activity of Miscanthus and Switchgrass
Progress on optimizing Miscanthus biomass production for the European bioeconomy (Donnison et al., 2016)
Biomass/Miscanthus (Smith, D., 2015)
Perennial Grasses Panel: Miscanthus, Switchgrass, Polycultures – Growing, Harvesting, Storage, Sustainability (Deen, B., 2011)
Dedicated biomass cropping solutions: Miscanthus opportunity (New Energy Farms Group, 2012)
The effect of land-use conversion from agriculture to perennial biomass crops and nitrogen fertilizer on soil organic carbon stock in the Southern Ontario (Vijayakumar et al., 2023)
Improving soil health by using biofertilizer (Hasenack et al.)
Biomass yield assessment of five potential energy crops grown in Southern Ontario (Marsal et al., 2016)
Quantifying soil organic carbon stocks in herbaceous biomass crops grown in Ontario (Graham et al., 2018)
Label and Booklet: INTEGRITY® – For weed control in corn (field and sweet) and soybeans (BASF Canada)
IPCO® Dichlorprop-DX Herbicide – Label and Booklet (Interprovincial Cooperative Limited)
Buctril Emulsifiable – Label & Booklet (Bayer CropScience)
Choice and management of cover crop species and varieties for use in row crop dominant rotations (Samson et al., 2016)
Ontario field-scale agricultural biomass project (OFA, 2011)
Pathfinding the agronomics of agricultural biomass in Ontario (Betts, N., 2011)
Agronomy of biomass crops: What’s next for 2012? (Engbers, H., 2011)
Biomass inventory mapping and analysis tool & related activities (Stumborg et al., 2012)