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High-quality forages can find a buyer in local, regional, or international markets. Buyers define “high-quality” differently depending on the type of animal the forage is intended for. Market research is important for sellers to understand what their buyers are looking for, and for producers to grow forage that can meet those needs. Some resources on marketing forage crops can be found here.
Forage Analysis Laboratories in Ontario
A forage analysis can help match a lot of forage to the right class of livestock. The information in an analysis is essential for balancing livestock rations, and can be useful when negotiating a price for forage.
Field Crop Budgets
OMAFRA Publication 60: Field Crop Budgets are a tool for estimating production expenses. To project your break-even price after total costs, enter your farm figures in the spaces provided. The resulting estimate will help you choose your crop mix and set target prices and marketing strategies for your farm. Includes sample budgets for Alfalfa/Timothy Hay and Silage Corn.
Alfalfa Hay Budgeting Tool
Based off of OMAFRA Publication 60: Field Crop Budgets, this worksheet is a guide to estimate your break-even price after total costs. The minimum system requirement is Microsoft Excel 2010.
Ontario Hay Marketing Forum
The Ontario Hay Marketing Forum is a group coordinated by the Ontario Forage Council. Ontario hay producers and marketers are invited to become members of the Ontario Hay Marketing Forum to keep abreast of the most up to date market information.
Ontario Hay Listings
Ontario Forage Council maintains this classified listing as a service to the agricultural industry. This is a self-service tool that enables buyers and sellers of forages to announce and search available or needed hay and more!
The Ontario Hay and Forage Co-operative was formed to develop and serve overseas markets with high-quality, purpose-grown, double-compacted hay.
Silage Corn
Silage Corn Budgeting Tool
Based off of OMAFRA Publication 60: Field Crop Budgets, this worksheet is a guide to estimate your break-even price after total costs. The minimum system requirement is Microsoft Excel 2010.
Corn Silage Costing Calculator
Use the calculator as a framework for setting the minimum silage corn value at various production steps (standing crop, delivered to silo, or ensiled). Values can be used as a starting point to negotiate the sale of a corn crop as silage.
Selling the Story – Marketing to Consumers
While most forage crops are sold farmer-to-farmer as inputs in livestock operations, forage production is part of the backstory in how meat, milk, and fibre are produced. The equine and pet food markets are large markets for forages that are farmer-to-consumer or further processed before selling to consumers. The environmental impact of forages in the landscape is of interest to the general public, and is often part of marketing to those groups.
The AgriSuite tools can help you determine the best way to store, treat and use materials containing crop nutrients — such as manure — on your farm. Most of the tools are specific to agricultural production, however, the Greenhouse Gas Decision Support Tool estimates greenhouse gas emissions from crop and livestock farms and allows users to test possible ways to reduce emissions and sequester carbon by implementing various beneficial management practices.