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The Ontario Forage Crops Committee (OFCC) was active from 1953-2015. The OFCC was made up of representatives from:
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Canadian Seed Growers Association
- Canadian Seed Trade Association
- Dairy Farmers of Ontario
- Ontario Cattlemen’s Association (now called Beef Farmers of Ontario)
- Ontario Forage Council
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
- Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association
- University of Guelph
OFCC reviewed research work on forage species and used this information to prepare production recommendations. As part of this effort, the committee evaluated the performance of varieties of forage crop species under Ontario conditions. Each year the individual trial data for all Ontario public forage variety trials that were harvested that year was collated. The results were used to recommend varieties to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for registration.
Historically, the OFCC had a subcommittee which evaluated management factors and their effect on forage production.
OFCC’s large body of work has made important contributions to our understanding of perennial forage crop agronomy in Ontario. Their reports are archived here for reference purposes.
This archive contains three types of historical documents, preserved in .pdf format and available for download. Descriptions of the types can be found below the table. Click the “Next” button below the table to see more downloadable documents.
Year | Title | Author | Type |
1951 | Legume Research Committee in Ontario (Third Annual Meeting Proceedings) | Ontario Agricultural College | Management Trial Report |
1953 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1953 | Ontario Agricultural College | Management Trial Report |
1954 | Progress Report no.2: Hay Investigations 1954 | Hay Research Committee, Ontario Agricultural College | Management Trial Report |
1955 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1955 | Field Husbandry Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1956 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1956 | Field Husbandry Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1957 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1957 | Field Husbandry Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1958 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1958 | Field Husbandry Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1959 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1959 | Field Husbandry Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1960 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1960 | Field Husbandry Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1961 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1961 | Field Husbandry Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1962 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1962 | Crop Science Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1963 | Progress Report: Hay Investigations 1963 | Crop Science Department, OAC | Management Trial Report |
1972 | Progress Report: Forage Production | R.S. Fulkerson, D.R. Bridle, D.G. Clarke | Management Trial Report |
1983 | Research Review of Forage Production | R.S. Fulkerson | Management Trial Report |
1955 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1956 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1957 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1958 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1959 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1960 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1961 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1962 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1963 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1964 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1965 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1966 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1967 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1968 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1969 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1970 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1971 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1972 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1973 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1974 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1975 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1976 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1977 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1978 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1979 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1980 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1981 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1982 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1983 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1984 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1985 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1986 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1987 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1988 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1989 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1990 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1991 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1992 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1993 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1994 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1995 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1996 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1997 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1998 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
1999 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2000 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2001 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2002 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2003 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2004 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2005 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2006 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2007 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2008 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2009 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2010 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2011 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2012 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2013 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2014 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2015 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2016 | Forage Crop Investigations | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Individual Test Summaries |
2004 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2005 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2006 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2007 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2008 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2009 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2010 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2011 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2012 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2013 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2014 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2015 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2016 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
2017 | Ontario Forage Crop Performance | Ontario Forage Crops Committee | Variety Performance Brochure |
Management Trial Reports
Management trial reports detail learnings from agronomy studies conducted in Ontario. This research covers a wide range of topics, including harvest schedules, regrowth, persistence, seeding rates, and mixtures for a range of forage crop species.
The 1983 report is a special publication prepared by the late Professor R. S. Fulkerson, University of Guelph, summarizing a number of the forage management investigations he conducted over his 37 year research career. As Professor Fulkerson wrote in his introduction:
“The late Professor Robert Keegan would chuckle and call this a summary of ‘forty years in the wilderness’; however, my tenure has only been thirty-seven years. During those years, it was my good fortune to have worked in a stimulating environment of hard working faculty, technicians and research station personnel. One person has worked with me for thirty-four years and my gratitude goes out to him, David E. Clarke, for our happy association, and indeed to all.”
Not all investigations were included; Professor Fulkerson only summarized those that he felt might be most useful for future research and for use in extension and teaching forage production as it related to Ontario.
Individual Test Summaries
Individual test summaries are reports of the public forage variety trials conducted by OFCC for each harvest year. Data from all trial locations across Ontario are included.
Variety Performance Brochures
Variety performance brochures are short summaries of the OFCC trial results, designed to help growers make variety selection decisions with independent data. These were updated and released annually.