By: Dr. Katie Wood, Associate Professor, Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph and Madeline McLennan, M.Sc. Student, Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph This article was originally…

Pest Alert – Blister Beetles Still Active in Some Hay and Pasture Fields
By Christine O’Reilly, OMAFA Forage & Grazing Specialist and Tracey Baute, OMAFA Entomologist, Field Crops Warm fall temperatures has many pests still active and hungry,…

Frost Injury in Sorghum Species
Caution! Members of the sorghum family – sorghum, sudangrass, and hybrid sorghum-sudangrass – contain dhurrin, a glucoside that breaks down to release hydrocyanic acid, also…

Fall Rest Period for Alfalfa
Key Points When is the fall rest period? The fall rest period (sometimes called “critical fall harvest period”) for alfalfa is 450 growing degree days,…

Preventing and Extinguishing Hay Fires
Key Points: What Causes Fires? The process of forage heating up and then burning is typically called spontaneous combustion. Spontaneous combustion for hay usually occurs…

Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa
This article was originally written by Joel Bagg in 2012. It was edited June 27, 2023 by Christine O’Reilly to reflect current insecticide options to…

Alfalfa Weevil
This article was originally written by Joel Bagg in 2013. It was edited May 1st, 2023 by Christine O’Reilly to reflect current insecticide options to…
Preventing and Extinguishing Silo Fires
Key Points: What Causes Fires? The process of forage heating up and then burning is typically called spontaneous combustion. In silos, forage can dry down…