n n n n Prior to farmers settling in the Midwestern United States andnplanting crops, there were extensive root systems of prairie grassesn(including the strong-stemmed…
Comet Biorefining to build biomass sugar plant in Ontario
Article in Biomass Magazine: Biomass sugar plant in OntarioMore information of Comet Biorefining
Winter 2016 OBPC Newsletter
To access our newsletter use the following link: Winter 2016 OBPC Newsletter.
Grey County Beef Farmer Wins 2016 Ontario Pasture Award
February 18, 2016 (Toronto, ON) – The sponsors of the Ontario Pasture Award, the Beef Farmers of Ontario(BFO), Mapleseed and the Ontario Forage Council (OFC),…
Study: Increased switchgrass acreage could improve water quality
This study documents the beneficial impact additional switchgrass acreage could have on fresh water quality.Read the article in the Biomass Magazine.
Study: Second-generation biofuels can reduce emissions
Second-generation biofuels are much cleaner than corn ethanol thanks to a number of biological characteristics, said DeLucia, a professor of plant biology at the U…
“We need to find a way to expand the production of second generation biofuel crops and maybe even displace corn ethanol”
With Climate Change concerns heating up substantially, researchers point to concrete solutions in the Ag biomass sector. Corn based generation of ethanol has serious drawbacks…

Hay Co-Operative Welcomes New Members
The recently formed Ontario Hay and Forage Co-operative Inc. is welcoming more producers to join its start-up hay-processing and export development venture. The Co-operative will…
SWITCHGRASS: a dual-purpose crop providing high quality bedding and improving rumen function by Roger Samson
Roger Samson, Executive Director of REAP-Canada, gave a switchgrass presentation to dairy farmers at the Grey-Bruce Farmers’ Week conference. Switchgrass has been identified in various research papers as…

OBPC Newsletter, Winter 2016
Excerpt As I reflect on 2015 and the accomplishments of OBPC I can see measurable progress towards ourvision. While it is disappointing that we have…