Grazing Cover Crop Benefits: The Real Story

Zoom webinar sessions featuring speakers from across Ontario and Canada who have implemented cover crop grazing on their farms - Will MacArthur, Woodville, ON &…

Grazing Cover Crop Benefits: The Real Story

Zoom webinar sessions featuring speakers from across Ontario and Canada who have implemented cover crop grazing on their farms. Lyndsey Smith/Chris Moore, Ottawa, ON &…

Forage Focus 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022 – Dr. Debbie Cherney Topic: grass in dairy rations Wednesday, November 23, 2022- Luiz Ferraretto: Connecting the dots – fiber digestibility, animal performance,…

Advanced Grazing Mentorship – Series 3

The Ontario Forage Council is providing the provincial delivery of the Advanced Grazing Systems program. The program offers training for producers to gain expertise in rotational grazing.…

Forage Expo 2023

The Ontario Forage Council (OFC), in conjunction with the Bruce County Soil and Crop Improvement Associations, is proud to announce the date for Forage Expo…

Forage Focus 2023

Ontario Forage Council is pleased to offer the Forage Focus webinar series again in 2023!  We will be hosting one webinar per day for three…

Profitable Pastures 2024

The Profitable Pastures FREE webinar series starts on March 5th, 2014. Get the most out of your pastures with the information and tips provided by…

Ontario Biomass Producers Co-op AGM 2024

Join us to learn about about the latest research and market updates. Get a chance to chat with fellow producers. Consider becoming a Director -…