Better Farming – Ontario Growers Join Forces to Market Biomass
Ontario Biomass Producers in Expansion Mode
The Western Producer – Ontario Biomass Producers in Expansion Mode
Livestock bedding offers markets for miscanthus, switchgrass growers
Article by Lilian Schaer / AgInnovation Ontario | May 2015
Impact Modelling and Analysis of Ontario’s Proposed Cap and Trade Program
EnviroEconomics – Impact Modelling and Analysis of Ontario’s Proposed Cap and Trade Program

Blackburn News: Financial Boost For Ontario Hay And Forage Co-operative
“The Ontario Hay and Forage Co-operative now has the money to do a feasibility study and business plan for it’s proposed double-compaction hay processing facility.”…
Financial Boost For Ontario Hay And Forage Co-operative
Read Full Article: Financial Boost for Ontario Hay and Forage Co-op

Update on CanAdapt Application for funding
The Ontario Hay and Forage Co-operative, working in collaboration with the Ontario Forage Council, announced today that it has received Growing Forward 2 funding approval from the…
2016 Milk Maker Forage Competition Winners
The Ontario Forage Council and respected partners; Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, Dairy Farmers ofCanada, and the Canadian Dairy XPO, are proud to announce the…
Swapping wheat straw with switchgrass to grow mushrooms
Read article by Lilian Schaer for AgInnovation Ontario