n n n n n n n The OMAFRA – U of Guelph KTT project #KTT2014-10221 has been approved. The project is a major collaborative…
Ag Biomass Day 2015 – Review, Presentations and Videos
The event was a real success; we had a full house (exactly 100 participants), great presentations, no hick-ups with our agenda timing and excellent networking…

OBPC Newsletter, Spring 2015
Excerpt I am looking forward to this year. Finally we are engaging end users in purchase contract talks. Regardless of the outcome of those talks…
Ag Biomass Day 2015 in Guelph, Friday March 27, 2015
Visit the Upcoming Events section to get detailed information.You can register online to get a seat at the Ag Biomass Day 2015.
Study finds switchgrass removes PCBs from soils
Link to full article
Bruce County Farmer Wins 2015 Ontario Pasture Award
February 18, 2015 (Toronto) – The sponsors of the Ontario Pasture Award – Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO), MAPLESEED and the Ontario Forage Council (OFC)…
New Start-up Producer membership
To accommodate farmers with small Ag biomass start-up projects, OBPC has introduced a new Start-up Producer membership. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnOBPC wants to promote smallnbiomass acreage on many farms…
Switchgrass Information Session with a group of farmers in Grey-Bruce
To promote much needed biomass acreage, Urs Eggimann, with the support of Ray Robertson and his team at Grey Ag Services in Markdale, conducted a 2-hour…
OBPC Presentations at FarmSmart 2015
The FarmSmart 2015 program dedicated 2 sessions for biomass one of which included OBPC presentations by Don Nott and David Smith. Don Nott’s presentation highlights…
2015 Milk Maker Forage Competition Winners
The Ontario Forage Council and respected partners; Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, Dairy Farmers ofCanada, and the Canadian Dairy Xpo, are proud to announce the…