Interested in an edible silage film? Read more…
MAPAQ Weekly Forage Quiz – Test your knowledge!
Subject of the quiz for the week from July 5, 2021, to Sunday, July 11, 12:00 p.m.: How do dairy cattle perform when eating different legumes?…
Beef Cattle & The Carbon Cycle – A New Webpage
Carbon is a hot topic these days with individuals, organizations, and entire industries working to better understand the environmental implications of their activities. Terms like…

MAPAQ Weekly Forage Quiz – Test your knowledge!
Subjects of the quiz for the week from June 28, 2021, to Sunday, July 4 , 12:00 p.m.: How to make hay? Take the Quiz
MAPAQ Weekly Forage Quiz – Test your knowledge!
Subjects of the quiz for the week from June 21, 2021, to Sunday, June 27 , 12:00 p.m.: What to do with potato leafhopper in alfalfa?…
MAPAQ Weekly Forage Quiz – Test your knowledge!
Subjects of the quiz for the week from June 14, 2021, to Sunday, June 20 , 12:00 p.m.: How to plan my intensive pasture management. Take…
MAPAQ Weekly Forage Quiz – Test your knowledge!
The subject of the quiz for the week from May 24, 2021, to Sunday, May 30, 12:00 p.m.: What tools should I use to know when…

Stay tuned! we will be Back as soon as it’s safe!
Please watch for announcements on future MMFC! We are currently looking at ways to deliver this competition! Our options are limited until our Judges can…

New Website Announcement:
Press Release For Immediate Release: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 The Ontario Forage Council, Ontario Hay Listings, Ontario Biomass Producers Co-op, and the Ontario Hay and…